Hi all!!!

I've gotten the budget together to do the awesome poster/calendar project we 
did last year again. You know, the one with the calendar of FOSS events on one 
side and the Beer poster on the other side.

For this year, we're gonna do it even bigger, in the international Linux 
Magazine and the USA Linux Pro Magazine! So we should of course have new 
artwork :D

Final artwork is required on the first of Oct, just 4 weeks from now. All the 
rest would be pretty much the same as last year. we deliver the graphics for 
the front side, they design the calendar on the back.

Specs for pir artwork are: Size: 400 mm * 574 mm, plus 3mm additional bleed on 
each side, Hi-res PDF, 4-colour, CMYK.

Now we can get that two ways. First, I can get the SUSE marketing people to 
design something for us. Either Robert, if he has time, or someone in the 
corporate marketing. The other option is of course all of YOU.

But we're all very busy with the openSUSE conference and the openSUSE 12.1 
artwork. And if we make this, it has to be REALLY GOOD. Because there is the 
calendar on one side, we have to have a really cool poster to make people hang 
up the openSUSE side!

The question thus is: can we come up with something good in 3-4 weeks, or 
should I start asking inside SUSE? Think about it carefully: of course you all 
CAN come up with something cool, BUT do we have time between working on the 
openSUSE conf and openSUSE 12.1 and all other things like the flyer etc? If we 
rush it, it might not be good - and then everyone will hang up the calendar 
side :(

Let me know your thoughts.


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