Re: [openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-16 Thread Andreas Mayer
Hallo, zunächst Danke für die Hilfebemühungen. Auf dem Terminalserver sind keine Drucker installiert. Die stehen ja sonst allen angemeldeten zur Verfügung. Eure Tipps habe ich alle nicht so ganz verstanden, aber die OTC Welt ist noch sehr neu für mich- Ich habe das jetzt mit einem Skript (VBS) ge

Re: [openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-15 Thread Stecher, Alexander
1. Add a printer in the section "printers". URI = socket:// chose a driver in the list. 2. In the rdesktop-application add a manual parameter like this: -r printer:Optra_T610="Lexmark Optra T610 (MS)" Optra_T610 is the name in the openthinclient manager "Lexmark Optra T610 (MS)"

Re: [openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-15 Thread Julian Ohm
I think i understood what he wants. So i try to Explosion in German. Hallo Andreas, Wenn ich dich richtig verstehe, dann hast du bisher den Drucker am Client installiert und per rdp durchgeschliffen um ihn auch für terminalsitzungen zu verwenden. Eine Möglichkeit ist die Netzwerkdrucker alle

Re: [openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-15 Thread Miguel Amez
I am a little bit confused with your explanation... What can I make clear in your words is that you have a classroom for your Thin Clients that connects by RDP to your Terminal Server. Do you use the same DC user for this classroom as for the rest of your installation? If not, you can add permissio

Re: [openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-15 Thread Andreas Mayer
Hello, "Hope this helps." No, not really. Can you gibe me some more hints? I am a teacher administrating our schoolnetwork... I want to make sure, that printers are only useable in the room of the clients. With our normal pcs it is done with an loginscript, that reads in which ou is the client a

Re: [openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-15 Thread Miguel Amez
Hi Andreas, This has nothing to do with OTC, this is a missconfiguration in your LDAP security permissions. You can Grant that permission by GPOs. Hope this helps. Regards, Miguel Amez 2013/10/15 Andreas Mayer > Hello, > > we use OTC in network with a Windows 2003 Server as DH and Printserver

[openthinclient-user] RDP with Networkprinter

2013-10-15 Thread Andreas Mayer
Hello, we use OTC in network with a Windows 2003 Server as DH and Printserver. Printers are connected by a login script. So on the terminalserver there is no printer installed. This should remain as it is, because we don't want our pupils to print in ohter classrooms. How can I configure OTC to u