On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Russell Sutherland wrote:

> When one installs the current OpenVPN .exe NSIS install
> bundle on a WindowsXP or 2000 machine, a window pops
> up during the installation process saying something
> to the effect:
>         "Warning: this driver has not been signed/approved
>          by Microsoft quality control blah blah blah"
> I believe that a similar pop up messages occurs when
> one trys to "run" the NSIS .exe file from a URL directly
> rather than downloading it first.
> Is there any intention from the OpenVPN developers to
> "do the right thing" in order to remove these pops from
> the installation procedure?

I think this warning dialog is new.  I've only seen it once, after 
installing XP SP2.  Does this mean that the warning dialog will always 
accompany software installs unless the code has been signed by MS?


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