A few years ago, I wrote a little application to help with some
openvpn services. Then some things changed, and I never got a chance
to put it into production.  So I thought I'd check here and see if
anyone might find it useful, or be interested in trying it out, or
might even want to improve on it.

It uses the management interface and connects to one or more openvpn
instances. It has a few features that I think are kind of neat. It
handles authentication, and authenticates against ldap, can have a
list of allowed source IP's, and can do OTP.  When doing OTP, it only
checks on initial connection, not on reauth (so you don't have to put
in your OTP every time openvpn re-authenticates). It uses
client-config-dir style configs, but can also do templating (so user-*
all gets the same config, for example). It does some fun things with
iptables. It can register your CN with DDNS.

Perhaps the most nifty thing it does is to capture ifconfig-push and
iroute directives, and then sends those out as RIPv2 routing updates,
which can adjust routes on a rip daemon running on localhost to
dynamically update the server's routing table, and/or be redistributed
into another routing protocol (such as OSPF), so that you can have
multiple openvpn servers in multiple locations, and clients with
static IP addresses and/or irouted subnets behind them will get
routing right no matter where they connect.

If this sounds intriguing, my code and an example config is at
https://github.com/j-m-patterson/ovpnherder. I haven't tested anything
in years, but so far as I know, it should still work.

Let me know what you think.



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