Hi Xavier,

the version in the LEDE feeds need to be updated, it was put up by Gabriel, 
an occasional contributor, but he's not maintaining it and I don't have 
time to do it right now..

At the moment I think we really have to start planning next steps in a way 
that a good balance between usefulness and maintenance overhead is reached.
So I would want to ask you: how would the life of openwisp users improve by 
implementing the change you suggest? And who will be responsible of 
maintaining the new feed as the project moves forward?

I would encourage anyone who is using openwisp-config 
<https://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-config> actively to step up and help 
us maintain it so it's in good shape, starting from closing some of the 
minor issues, preparing a change log for the current version, and updating 
the lede feed.

I think the key for success here is to start with small steps and then 
start thinking about bigger changes as we go along and gain confidence.


On Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 6:51:48 AM UTC+1, Xavier Maysonnave wrote:
> Hi All,
> With the Google Code-In I'm pretty happy to come back top OpenWisp2 and 
> started with a tour around its ecosystem. 
> I successfully installed the controller on one of our dedicated virtual 
> machine.
> I started to play with openwisp-config and followed the available 
> documentation. 
> I realized that we can improve the current situation. 
> Either LEDE or OpenWRT host the openwisp-config feed.
> Here is the content of the feed under the lede-17.01 branch:
> https://git.lede-project.org/?p=feed/packages.git;a=tree;f=admin;h=fdcf3fc3b9b87e332deb1d0e599acf17cdaddde0;hb=refs/heads/lede-17.01
> If someone follow the documentation he needs to customize its feeds.conf 
> with the following src-git:  src-git openwisp 
> https://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-config.git
> In that case the feed contains its definition and the package content .
> The documentation doesn't say that either OpenWRT and LEDE already contain 
> the feed who target the 0.4.5 version.
> It sounds to me that this should be improved. OpenWISP could host two 
> projects. 
> One could be the feed itself without the package and another one who could 
> be the package itself.
> The feed could reflect which version of LEDE we target (branch or tagged) 
> in the LEDE spirit.
> To day at LEDE they have two branches, master and lede-17.01 and they have 
> tagged version like v17.01.4. 
> The feed are setup accordingly. 
> Typically for the lede-17.01 branch the feeds.conf contains:
> src-git packages https://git.lede-project.org/feed/packages.git;lede-17.01
> while the  v17.01.4 tagged version refers to :
> src-git packages https://git.lede-project.org/feed/packages.git
> ^cd5c448758f30868770b9ebf8b656c1a4211a240
> If you play with feeds hosted on LEDE or OpenWRT you will retrieve the 
> 0.4.5 version of openwisp-config.
> It sound reasonable to have the same pattern hosted at OpenWisp.
> Decoupling the feed from the package content and gives the flexibililty to 
> choose the needed version:
> src-git:  src-git openwisp https://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-config.git
> ;b54aded2336059e0be46f046992fabaae927ab46
> the 0.4.5 version in that case or other version.
> Light
> Xavier
> ​ / Pudhuveedu​
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