hi, i have problems getting a vlan setting working on a unifi pro runnnig
on a managed switch with tagged vlan ports

based on the hardware table in the wiki the unifi pro has a AR8327 switch.

i tried setting up a config like

and i also tried a setup like the readme in

both without success, the device is not reachable anymore.

does anyone know how to run the unifi pro in vlan
so that each wifi mapped to one tagged vlan like for example:

the 2.4 ghz wifi is mapped to vlan2
and the 5ghz wifi is mapped to vlan5

and config for the device is mapped to vlan3

here is my config network:

config interface 'vlan3'
    option ifname 'eth0.3'
    option proto 'static'
    option ipaddr ''
    option netmask ''
    option gateway ''
    option dns ''

config interface 'vlan2'

    option ifname 'eth0.2'
    option type 'bridge'
    option proto 'none'

config interface 'vlan5'

    option ifname 'eth0.5'
    option type 'bridge'
    option proto 'none'

and wireless is like this

config wifi-iface
    option device 'radio0'
    option mode 'ap'
    option encryption 'none'
    option ssid 'guest'
    option network 'vlan2'

config wifi-iface
    option device 'radio1'
    option mode 'ap'
    option encryption 'wpa-mixed'
    option key 'foofoofoo'
    option ssid 'private'
    option network 'vlan5'

and help or tips would be awesome

thanks ulf

Ulf Kypke-Burchardi
Köpenicker Strasse 159
10997 Berlin, Germany
+49 - (0) 177 - 3405152
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