Since a few days, the ammount of spamming Servers are increasing on my
Normally I try to contact the admins of these Servers and ask them to
delete these spammming accounts.
But since a few servers don't have such a contact option, I start
blocking those Servers.
Here is a List of jabber servers whose admins are obviously not
interested in taking care of spammers or provide any contact information:
* bin.vc
* bestjabber.com
* dlab.im
* sj.ms
* freexmpp.net
* jabber.ozerki.net
IF one of these servers is your server, feel free to contact me about
the issue.
I have made this list public:
Arsimael Inshan
email: a...@jhml.de
web: https://www.it-native.de (german)
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