Hi All,


I am trying to run Danube 2.0 on ARM64 based platforms. After deploying the 
nodes( 2 nodes, 1 controller, 1 compute) I ran the functest. I am getting the 
below error which is exactly same as what Martin got.

I updated the SNAPS-40 ticket with all the information. Because it is DONE, I 
may not be getting the response.


I am pasting the initial comment of Jira ticker for your reference. Request the 
team to help me to move ahead. Thanks for your help





I am getting exactly the same issue on Danube 2.0 on ARM platforms. Is the same 
patch applicable for Danube 2.0. I don't see the files are same as the ones 
mentioned in the patch. Please help and suggest.

2017-07-26 07:08:36,152 - functest - ERROR - Number of errors in test suite - 1
2017-07-26 07:08:36,152 - functest - ERROR - test_check_vm_ip_dhcp 
(snaps.openstack.tests.create_instance_tests.SimpleHealthCheck) ERROR with 
Traceback (most recent call last)
File "/home/opnfv/repos/snaps/snaps/openstack/tests/create_instance_tests.py", 
line 297, in setUp
raise e
HTTPBadRequest: 400 Bad Request: The HTTP URL is invalid: 
HTTPConnectionPool(host='download.cirros-cloud.net', port=80): Max retries 
exceeded with url: /daily/20161201/cirros-d161201-aarch64-disk.img (Caused by 
NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object 
at 0xffff7b7631d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary 
failure in name resolution',)) (HTTP 400)

2017-07-26 07:08:36,153 - functest - INFO - snaps_health_check FAILED
2017-07-26 07:08:36,153 - run_tests - INFO - Test execution time: 00:35
2017-07-26 07:08:36,153 - run_tests - ERROR - The test case 
'snaps_health_check' failed. 
2017-07-26 07:08:36,193 - generate_report - DEBUG - Query to rest api: 
2017-07-26 07:08:37,924 - generate_report - INFO -



From: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org 
[mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of Steven Pisarski
Sent: Saturday, March 4, 2017 12:14 AM
To: opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org
Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [FUNCTEST] (SNAPS-40) Not able to execute health 
check behind proxy


Hi all,


I was told that I should be sending communications such as this to the overall 





P.S. I have hacked two Functest Python files to address Martin’s issue but will 
need community input before designing in a long-term solution


From: Steven Pisarski <s.pisar...@cablelabs.com 
<mailto:s.pisar...@cablelabs.com> >
Date: Friday, March 3, 2017 at 10:49 AM
To: Jose Lausuch <jose.laus...@ericsson.com <mailto:jose.laus...@ericsson.com> 
>, "morgan.richo...@orange.com <mailto:morgan.richo...@orange.com> " 
<morgan.richo...@orange.com <mailto:morgan.richo...@orange.com> >, 
"cedric.olliv...@orange.com <mailto:cedric.olliv...@orange.com> " 
<cedric.olliv...@orange.com <mailto:cedric.olliv...@orange.com> >, 
"feng.xiao...@zte.com.cn <mailto:feng.xiao...@zte.com.cn> " 
<feng.xiao...@zte.com.cn <mailto:feng.xiao...@zte.com.cn> >, 
"yaohe...@huawei.com <mailto:yaohe...@huawei.com> " <yaohe...@huawei.com 
<mailto:yaohe...@huawei.com> >, "juha.koso...@nokia.com 
<mailto:juha.koso...@nokia.com> " <juha.koso...@nokia.com 
<mailto:juha.koso...@nokia.com> >, wangwulin <wangwu...@huawei.com 
<mailto:wangwu...@huawei.com> >, "valentin.bouc...@orange.com 
<mailto:valentin.bouc...@orange.com> " <valentin.bouc...@orange.com 
<mailto:valentin.bouc...@orange.com> >, "hideyasu.haya...@okinawaopenlabs.org 
<mailto:hideyasu.haya...@okinawaopenlabs.org> " 
<mailto:hideyasu.haya...@okinawaopenlabs.org> >, "ciprian.ba...@enea.com 
<mailto:ciprian.ba...@enea.com> " <ciprian.ba...@enea.com 
<mailto:ciprian.ba...@enea.com> >, "david.blaisonn...@orange.com 
<mailto:david.blaisonn...@orange.com> " <david.blaisonn...@orange.com 
<mailto:david.blaisonn...@orange.com> >
Cc: "martinx.prik...@intel.com <mailto:martinx.prik...@intel.com> " 
<martinx.prik...@intel.com <mailto:martinx.prik...@intel.com> >, Randy 
Levensalor <r.levensa...@cablelabs.com <mailto:r.levensa...@cablelabs.com> >
Subject: FW: [JIRA] (SNAPS-40) Not able to execute health check behind proxy


Hi all,


Sorry for casting the wide net, but I didn’t know with whom to contact directly.


Martin Prikryl of Intel is attempting to run Functest behind a proxy; however, 
it had been my understanding that this use case was not currently being 
supported. He was able to get around the problems with other tests simply by 
exporting the shell variable ‘http_proxy’; however, this method does not appear 
to work with the SNAPS tests. I am currently attempting to recreate the issue 
so I can come up with means to support Martin’s use case; however, should I 
even support? Can anybody explain the level of proxy support designed into 
Functest, if any?






From: "Martin Prikryl (JIRA)" <j...@opnfv.org <mailto:j...@opnfv.org> >
Date: Friday, March 3, 2017 at 1:56 AM
To: Steven Pisarski <s.pisar...@cablelabs.com <mailto:s.pisar...@cablelabs.com> 
Subject: [JIRA] (SNAPS-40) Not able to execute health check behind proxy


 <https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=MartinPrikryl> Martin 
Prikryl created an issue 


 <https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/SNAPS> SNAPS-OO /  
<https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/SNAPS-40> SNAPS-40 

 <https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/SNAPS-40> Not able to execute health check 
behind proxy 

Issue Type: 



 <https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=spisarski> Steven 


03/Mar/17 8:55 AM 




 <https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=MartinPrikryl> Martin 

I have exported http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy, wget 
download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img works, but 
execution of health check doesn't work:

root@fuel:~/functest/conf# functest testcase run snaps_health_check
2017-03-03 00:40:07,128 - run_tests - INFO -
2017-03-03 00:40:07,128 - run_tests - INFO - 
2017-03-03 00:40:07,128 - run_tests - INFO - Running test case 
2017-03-03 00:40:07,128 - run_tests - INFO - 
2017-03-03 00:40:07,254 - file_utils - INFO - Attempting to read OS environment 
file - /home/opnfv/functest/conf/openstack.creds
2017-03-03 00:40:07,254 - openstack_tests - INFO - OS Credentials = OSCreds - 
username=admin, password=admin, auth_url=, 
project_name=admin, identity_api_version=3, image_api_version=1, 
network_api_version=2, compute_api_version=2, user_domain_id=default, 
2017-03-03 00:40:08,429 - file_utils - INFO - Attempting to read OS environment 
file - /home/opnfv/functest/conf/openstack.creds
2017-03-03 00:40:08,429 - openstack_tests - INFO - OS Credentials = OSCreds - 
username=admin, password=admin, auth_url=, 
project_name=admin, identity_api_version=3, image_api_version=1, 
network_api_version=2, compute_api_version=2, user_domain_id=default, 
(snaps.openstack.tests.create_instance_tests.SimpleHealthCheck) ... ERROR
ERROR: test_check_vm_ip_dhcp 
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/opnfv/repos/snaps/snaps/openstack/tests/create_instance_tests.py", line 
274, in setUp
    raise e
HTTPBadRequest: 400 Bad Request: The HTTP URL is invalid: 
HTTPConnectionPool(host='download.cirros-cloud.net', port=80): Max retries 
exceeded with url: /0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img (Caused by 
object at 0x7f22548ea210&gt;: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 101] 
Ran 1 test in 129.867s
FAILED (errors=1)
2017-03-03 00:42:18,297 - functest.core.testcase_base - ERROR - Number of 
errors in test suite - 1
2017-03-03 00:42:18,297 - functest.core.testcase_base - ERROR - 
(snaps.openstack.tests.create_instance_tests.SimpleHealthCheck) ERROR with 
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/opnfv/repos/snaps/snaps/openstack/tests/create_instance_tests.py", line 
274, in setUp
    raise e
HTTPBadRequest: 400 Bad Request: The HTTP URL is invalid: 
HTTPConnectionPool(host='download.cirros-cloud.net', port=80): Max retries 
exceeded with url: /0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img (Caused by 
object at 0x7f22548ea210&gt;: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 101] 
2017-03-03 00:42:18,297 - functest.core.testcase_base - INFO - 
snaps_health_check FAILED
2017-03-03 00:42:18,297 - run_tests - INFO - Test execution time: 02:11
2017-03-03 00:42:18,297 - run_tests - ERROR - The test case 
'snaps_health_check' failed.
2017-03-03 00:42:18,297 - run_tests - ERROR - The test case snaps_health_check 
failed and is blocking
2017-03-03 00:42:18,298 - run_tests - INFO - Execution exit value: 
2017-03-03 00:42:18,344 - functest_utils - ERROR - The command 'python 
/home/opnfv/repos/functest/functest/ci/run_tests.py  -t snaps_health_check' 


 <https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/SNAPS-40#add-comment> Add Comment 


This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.0.4#70113-sha1:3aced62) 


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