October 30


  1. Status Updates
  2. General purpose docker build capability
    • who owns docker builds for releases? historically, docker build have been created by projects
    • community needs to create a proposal to help solve this which includes gathering requirements and defining the process to getting docker builds created/removed, etc
  3. Logging facility (e.g. for ODL, OVS, etc.)
    • problem statement - when debugging failures, it would helpful to have a central location to collect logs
    • this is helpful both for centralizing logs for upstream communities to investigate and for defect reporting purposes 
  4. POD allocation within OPNFV Community
    • does two POD per installer model make sense still?
    • Intel lab has found that CI POD users are not using hardware resources as designed or not at all
  5. Review actions items

Minutes (link) 

  1. Status Update
    • vPOD has been provided container4nfv from Huawei lab
    • this is the patch, https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/46283, INFRA-185 can be closed
    • Nokia lab is providing hardware resources for Long duration stress testing (INFRA-154)
  2. general purpose docker build capability
    • docker builds have been part of releases since Brahmaputra 
    • docker builds have a script to build them - the desire is to have this script be owned by releng 
    • https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/46111/
    • docker script will create a new doicker build per patch in gerrit 
    • need to think about including docker builds with releases especially as they grow over time
    • the proposal is releng project own the script with test-wg helping support it 
    • CristinaPauna mentions that there are those in the community who don't know about how to use this script
    • this means there someone from releng will need to help support community by documentation and user help
    • plus a process to how we can get changes made to the script
  3. logging facilitites
  4. POD allocation within OPNFV communtity
    • Julien-zte mentions that until we have dynamic CI still need two POD per installer 
    • radez mentions that they still need both POD - daily jobs are running 24hrs a day for example for test frameworks
    • timezone change for next meeting - see calendar invite 

Action Items:

Ongoing Items:

Closed Actions: 

  • none

New Actions:

  • start email thread on transitioning docker build script to the releng project David McBride
  • schedule a Plugfest discussion on logging facilities David McBride
Jack Morgan
OPNFV Pharos Intel Lab

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