Dear all,

In order to avoid cross-posting, I replied to the opsarea mailer only (the discussion takes place there). Follow the discussion at, if you're not subscribed to opsarea.

Regards, Benoit
warren and any other friendly opsawg chairs:

i have been told that you are actually wasting air time discussing snmp
write for configuration of devices.  i thought we had and finished that
discussion over a decade ago at ietf 51 in london.  we were in a large
room with many operators, and i asked all those operators who had snmp
write enabled to raise their hands.  zero, count them zero, hands went
up.  this resulted in the formation of the interminable netconf effort.

and i have the tee shirt, see <>

just because we're going to be back in london does not mean we need to
replay history.


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