Éric Vyncke has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-opsawg-ntf-10: No Objection

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
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Thank you for the work put into this document. All in all, this is a very good
introduction document to telemetry but I am unsure whether it is a 'framework'
(and this is a real concern of mine). Due to the amount of documents on the
next IESG telecast agenda, I did not review the appendixes.

Please find below some non-blocking COMMENT points (but replies would be
appreciated even if only for my own education), and some nits.

Special thanks to Alexander Clemm for the shepherd's write-up about the WG

Thanks also to Jean-Michel Combes for his Internet directorate review at:

I believe that Jean-Michel spotted a serious issue in the security section but
I trust the Security Area Directors on this specific topic and will not raise a
block DISCUSS on this point especially as Haoyu Song has taken some actions.

I hope that this helps to improve the document,



As a non-English speaker, the document title is a little ambiguous at first
sight: is it about telemetry about network data or about using the network to
get some telemetry ? Unsure whether this ambiguity can be removed.

BTW, I like the sections on use cases and challenges but I am ambivalent
whether they are useful in this document.

A lot of the concepts in this framework could be used for other applications
beyond network layer telemetry. Was this extension considered by the authors ?

There are several informative references to IRTF & IETF drafts, which is OK of
course but those drafts may never be published. Perhaps, is it premature to
publish this document ?

-- Section 2 --
Suggest to rely on https://www.rfc-editor.org/materials/abbrev.expansion.txt to
avoid redefining well-known terms as JSON or MIB.

-- Section 3 --
No need to reply but I am unsure whether the paragraph about SDN, AN, ...
brings any value to this document.

-- Section 3.1 --
Should there be some words about whether actual packet content is part of
telemetry ?

-- Section 3.2 --
Should there be a mention of "big data" again when enumerating the 4 Vs ?

-- Section 3.3 --
Is it the forwarding chip that generate, package, and send the telemetry as
hinted in the first bullet ? I would guess that the chip indeed collects the
data but it is up to another component to do rest.

Please add a definition/reference for "sFlow".

-- Section 3.4 --
Should there also be a mention of common naming/ID if data needs to be merged
among different sources ? I.e., having common keys with the same format or at
least having some equivalence.

"In-network customisation" seems partly contradictory with unified models or
did I misread this part ?

For an uneducated reader (like myself), I wonder whether actual packet content
is included in "The data originated from the data plane forwarding chips"

-- Section 3.5 --
In "Efficient data fusion is critical for applications to reduce the overall
quantity of data", is it about "fusion" or "aggregation" ?

-- Section 4.1 --
In figure 2, what is 'template' ? This does not seem a well-defined term,
suggest to remove it.

Also in figure 2, suggest replace "HTTP" by "HTTPS"

In figure 2, what is the meaning of "plain" for data encoding ?

-- Section 4.1.3 --
Could the "quality" in the first paragraph be described as it is rather vague?

Later in this section "The data should be structured and labeled", what is
meant by 'labeled' ? And later in the same §, I am unsure how to understand
"data types"... (as I read "data types" as float vs. integer) or is it simply

Suggest to make the taxonomy part a subsection.

Is there a reason why "AM" is not expanded in "AM [RFC8321]" ?

In "Big Data sources that analyse streams of information, such as Twitter
messages", I am afraid that I fail to understand how sources can analyse data.

-- Section 4.2 --
I fail to understand why formatting is part of "Data Generation and Processing"
and not of "Data Encoding and Export".

-- Section 4.4 --
Please excuse my lack of knowledge in this domain, but I have hard time to
understand how MIB & YANG modules can help in data generation and processing in
figure 5. Should there be some additional clarifications ? Again, possibly
because I am not an expert in this field.

-- Section 5 --
It is unclear for me whether the 4 stages (BTW why starting at stage 0 rather
than stage 1 ?) are about telemetry (as a means) or about use cases.

== NITS ==

-- Section 2 --
Missing ':' after YANG ECA

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