Hi Thomas,
thank you for supporting this work and for your helpful comments. Please
find my notes inlined below tagged by GIM>>.


On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM <thomas.g...@swisscom.com> wrote:

> Dear Alex and Greg,
> I reviewed draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 and draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix-00 and
> have some comments and questions.
> Section 3.1 of draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 (
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04#section-3.1)
> mentions the term "service flow".
> I haven't been able to find in any IETF document describing/defining the
> term. I suggest to describe it in the terminology section 2.1 and specify
> it as an IPFIX and YANG element.
GIM>> I checked and found that "service flow" is used only once in the

   When analyzing the availability metrics of a service flow between two

   nodes, a time interval as the unit of PAM needs to be selected.

It could be easier to take out "flow" altogether. WDYT?

> Section 3.3 of draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 specifies an "Unavailability
> threshold". I suggest to specify in Section 3.1 of
> draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix-00 (
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix-00#section-3.1)
> this as IPFIX element as well.
> The "service flow" describes that the SLO metrics are measured between two
> nodes. However in draft-clemm-opsawg-pam-ipfix the SLO metrics are measured
> and export on one node. I would appreciate if you could describe how this
> information is being measured. Presumably by leveraging of probing.
GIM>> The PAM document will not specify how to measure but where and what
to be measured. We will work on clarifying that all PAM metrics are
measured between two Measurement Points in the PAM IPFIX draft.

> In general I feel that draft-ietf-ippm-pam-04 would benefit of having a
> reference to the Performance Metrics Registry defined in RFC 8911/8912.
 GIM>> I agree. Check the attached diff.

> I would be interested to understand wherever the authors intend to create
> a draft document describing a service YANG module.
GIM>> That's a great suggestion, thank you. Let us discuss it.

> Best wishes
> Thomas
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