Hi Éric,

Thank your for the comments. I will start by the easy one:

"I still wonder why the tcpOptions and ipv6ExtensionHeaders are in the same I-D 
though ;-)"

This was mainly for the authors convenience to avoid many I-Ds. We defer to the 
Chairs for this one.


De : OPSAWG <opsawg-boun...@ietf.org> De la part de Eric Vyncke (evyncke)
Envoyé : vendredi 6 octobre 2023 14:49
À : opsawg@ietf.org
Cc : ip...@ietf.org
Objet : [OPSAWG] Some comments on draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-tcpo-v6eh

Benoît and Med,

Thanks for this useful document, please find below some comments (obviously 
without any hat).

Should the "No Next-Header" (next-header=59) be included (cfr my other remarks 
on the companion I-D) ?

There should be a way to convey the information that the exporter was (un)able 
to parse the *full* extension header chain due to HW limitation. This could be 
done by adding a bit/counter "KNOWN" (the opposite of UNKNOWN in the sense of a 
known layer-4 header).

About having counters per extension header how is "This Information Element 
echoes the order and number of occurrences" to be interpreted for the following 


Will it be a single IE with HBH=3, DST=5, RH=3, FRA0=1, FRA1=1 or 4 IE exported 
(one for each chain) ?

I think that the 4 IE sounds more logical and useful, then there is no need to 
count the occurrences of one specific EH but more how often a specific EH chain 
was seen.

I still wonder why the tcpOptions and ipv6ExtensionHeaders are in the same I-D 
though ;-)

Hope this helps,


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