
Please see inline.


De : Aitken, Paul <>
Envoyé : mardi 23 janvier 2024 11:26
À : BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <>; Joe Clarke 
(jclarke) <>;
Cc :;;;
Objet : Re: [**EXTERNAL**] RE: [IPFIX] WG LC: IPFIX documents


      The following drawing indicates
      the position of each bit in the encoding of the Information

No, not any more - so this should be removed.

[Med] It is useful as it indicates the bit position that is then referred to in 
the new IANA registry. Updated the figure to make that clearer.

The previous drawing indicated the positions of specific bits. The new drawing 
does not indicate the position of any of the bits:

                0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7


            |        IPv6 extension header bits             |  ...


[Med] Please see the new drawing at

      This IE is used only when the observed extension headers are in
      the 0-31 range.

Consider deprecating this IE in favour of ipv6ExtensionHeadersFull.
[Med]  Seems reasonable, but would like to hear more from the WG.

It would be worth proposing the deprecations in a separate email thread, 
because I can't imagine anyone else is following in sufficient detail.

[Med] Fair enough.

    4.3.  forwardingStatus

    In particular, the registered Abstract
   Data Type is unsigned8, while it must be unsigned32.

Why must it be?
[Med] As per the definition in RFC7270.

I've opened an errata for that:
[Med] I don' think an erratum applies here because the intent of 7270 is 
clearly unsigned32:

      This Information Element describes the forwarding status of the
      flow and any attached reasons.  The reduced-size encoding rules as
      per [RFC7011<>] apply.

      The basic encoding is 8 bits.  The future extensions
      could add one or three bytes.  The layout of the basic
      encoding is as follows:

    6.10.  natType

Please take the opportunity to add the missing description, eg "This element 
identifies the type of NAT applied to packets of the flow."

[Med] Thanks. Went for: « This Information Element identifies the NAT type 
applied to packets of the Flow.".

Thanks; that looks good.

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