Hey list,

a few of you may know me from IRC, ohers may not. I'm one of this years Google Summer of Code students. My project is about implementing Vidalia support for Hidden Services with User Authorization, according to the Tor proposal 121-hs-authorization of Karsten Loesing. A Hidden Service is a service that is reachable by a .onion adress, but the IP-Adress of the service provider is hidden. My goal is now to let Vidalia configure those Hidden Services, give a Service provider the possibility to create User Authorization data(.onion adress and a descriptor cookie) for each user he wants to access the service. Additionally there should be the option to store authorization data needed to access other hidden services in Vidalia. So a Service Provider has then the opportunity to create individual authorization data for single users and it would be no problem to exclude users from a service if he wants to let them no longer access the service.

As a few of you may have noticed I uploaded the first prototype of my Google Summer of Code Project. This prototype includes the complete functionality explained above with all the communication to/from Tor as well as persistent storage of the configuration.

Within this Mail I give you a little How2 for the installation of my Vidalia branch and the correct Tor branch you need to run it with User Authorization.

Here starts the little installation help:

Tor related:
1)Download the newest version of Karstens Tor branch (svn co 
2)start a terminal and switch into the directory of 121-hs-authorization
3)type in the following command lines
 1. ./autogen.sh [Enter]
 2. ./configure [Enter]
 3. make
4) if everything worked fine there shoul be the Tor binary in /121- hs-authorization/src/or/

Vidalia related:
1)Download the newest branch of my Vidalia branch (svn co 
2)start a terminal and switch into the directory of hidden-services branch
3)type in the following command lines
 1. cmake . && make [Enter]
4)if everything worked fine there should be a Vidalia binary in hidden- services/src/vidalia/
5)click on the binary to start Vidalia
6)click on settings and then on „General“ to configure the path to the Tor executable in that way that it points to the 121-hs-authorization version
7)click on „Save“
8)click on „Stop Tor“
9)click on „Start Tor“
10)now the new Tor version should be started and you can start configuring Hidden Services with/without User Authorization etc by clicking on „Settings“ and then „Services“.

Possible configurations of Hidden Services:
•       normal Hidden Service with one single adress for all users
• Hidden Service with User Authorization to easily include/exclude single users while the service is still reachable with the „old“ adress by other users who are configured.
•       Store the Authorization Data you need to access Hidden Services.

I would really appreciate it if I can find a few people who are interested in testing it and giving me some feedback or/and bug reports. Remember, this is just the first prototype and there are bugs and things i'm going to change in the next weeks. So this test phase is thought to give some feedback about the look and feel, whether the communication to/from Tor works as it should etc.. GUI stuff.

Best regards,

- --Domenik

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