glymr writes:

> perhaps openwrt hasn't got urandom? urandom is pretty intensive as far
> as i know, it'd definitely load the little router hard. i'd say the devs
> will be able to tell you if there's anything that can be done.

OpenWrt has /dev/random and /dev/urandom.  The SSH daemon dropbear,
which is installed by default under OpenWrt, uses /dev/urandom.

> my initial thought is edit the source and change all references to
> /dev/urandom to /dev/random - this would reduce the randomness a bit
> but would also reduce loading (and in this case, may enable it to
> run)

Isn't it vice versa?  AFAIK /dev/random provides strong random data,
which /dev/urandom doesn't guarantee.

I don't know why the tor binary crashes on the Linksys router.  I
can't reproduce this bug on my Asus router.  I used a current OpenWrt
WhiteRussian build tree to create the binary packages.  So far I never
had problems to mix packages from the current build tree with packages
from WhiteRussian RC5, but maybe something has changed recently.

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