I'm running some automated widgets that connect to various onions.

The breakdown of 702 Polipo connects across about as many onions

a  85 ok
b   1 ERROR 504: Connect to <onion> failed: General SOCKS server failure.
c   9 ERROR 504: Connect to <onion> failed: SOCKS connection not allowed.
d  99 ERROR 504: Connect to <onion> failed: SOCKS error: TTL expired.
e   5 ERROR 504: Connect to <onion> failed: SOCKS error: connection refused.
f 503 ERROR 504: Connect to <onion> failed: SOCKS error: host unreachable.

The breakdown of approximately the same set of Tor connects is:

g 531 Closing stream for '[scrubbed].onion': hidden service is
unavailable (try again later).
h   1 Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:<LEAK>. Giving up.
i   5 Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:<LEAK>.
Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
j 250 Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:<LEAK>.
Giving up. (waiting for rendezvous desc)

Note the port LEAK above can identify the onion if that onion is
using a unique port from most of the other onions. Anyways...

h) Tor should not give up without emitting a reason.

f and g) So this means there was no descriptor in the directories?
ie: blahblahblahblah.onion

b and c) I figure this is a local problem, maybe with the Polipo/Tor

d and i) Does this mean that the onion is there and up but something
in the path or the terminating service is broken?

e) Is the hidden service on the host up but the userland daemon
(httpd, etc) down?

j) This seems to be an actual Tor issue in getting a response from
the directories that could be fixed?

I've noticed that some of the other 504 types will change to
'unreachable' upon subsequent connection attempts. However that is
not always the case. Can the timeouts for the 'TTL' and 'waiting
for' issues be bumped?

Also, does anyone have an update to sdfetch that works with the
current stable or alpha trunks?
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