
Please send me the Profiles to



We have hot requirements on *PeopleSoft Finance Techno Functional
consultant.  -- ST.Louis, MO*

Please send me the updated resume of your consultant ASAP…

*Phone Hire*

*Need two professional references from recent projects*

*Title                  :           PeopleSoft Finance Techno Functional
consultant *

*Duration           :*            *4+ Months*

*Location           :           ST.Louis, MO*

* *

*The Job Description is as follows:*

* *

•            Consultants with 6-8 years extensive experience in IT and 6+
years as a PeopleSoft Finance Techno Functional consultant.
•            Experience in min 2 or 3 end-to-end Implementations projects in
Ver 8.9 and above.
•            Must have strong experience and exposure towards AR and Billing
•            Full understanding of project life cycle and development
•            Excellent technical skills in People tools 8.x, PeopleCode, CI
and Application Engine programming.
•            Must be good in developing and debugging application engine
•            Good understanding and experience in component interface,
component buffers & EIP.
•            Ability to interact with technical and functional staff at all
•            Must have end-to-end Implementation/Upgrade experience in PS
FIN V8.9 or above (mandatory).
•            Must be creative, innovative and be able to work in a
fast-paced environment with the ability to abstract detail into larger
patterns, familiarity with user-centered analysis and evaluation techniques

* *

*Thanks & Regards....*


Sr. Technical Recruiter
Adam Information Technologies, LLC

402 Gammon Pl, Suite 370
Madison, WI 53719
*(*:   608-237-1724 (O) ||   Fax: 608-237-2211
****:** * chakri.thu...@adaminfotech.com  || URL:  www.adaminfotech.com

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