Hey, just to confirm what I think is obvious...
For an oracle database to be backed up on NT with Legato: you need to
shutdown, cold backup via legato, startup, or
online backup mode and legato's "Oracle database" extension,
[or some sort of strategy involving oracle export].
And to ve
you need a where clause on that select statement, so that you get the
ONE row in that table that you want.
and remove the nowait. Nowait tells Oracle to continue processing the
next statement even if you didn't get the lock you wanted... Of course
removing it has it's own drawbacks, you could be
>thing, but I also worry about the stability and availability of my database
>that I would be presenting to my customers. If anyone has any insights,
>statistics, facts or links to documentation presenting such, I'd sure
>appreciate the help.
i can only relate my pe
Interesting. Are you sure?
I have actually started reading Tom Kyte's book, Expert One-on-One, and he
mentions this problem and the solution(specifically, page 32). Basically,
you code..
SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = something FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
UPDATE table set field = blah WHERE field =
Try module in v$session (just a guess)
Joe LaCascio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@fatcity.com on 25-01-2002 15:35:24
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:(bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/Exter
"ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4256 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool",
"unknown object", "sga heap", "library cache")"
"ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1"
over and over in the alert log.
This is a "suddenly" event on a production database that had been
You have to declare this variable in package1 specification
create or replace package pkg1 is
v_var VARCHAR2(10) := 'Blahblah';
create or replace package pkg2 is
procedure showvar;
create or replace package pkg2 body is
procedure showvar
Jay Hostetter wrote:
I know that at one time, Oracle recommended that you do not put files onto an NFS file
system. I think the OS needs to guarantee that the data was actually written to disk,
and when you use NFS the OS "thinks" the data was written, when in reality it may
still be transf
Three methods: read newline delimeted two at a time, read the whole thing
and process it in pairs of lines or read twice the size of a fixed-length
line from columnar data:
my $line = $_ . <>;
my @linz = <>;
for( my $i = 0 ; $i < @linz ; $i += 2 )
my @twolinz
We have both. NT is MUCH easier to manage and set up. But unless you put
some money in the hardware it is not as stable. Our applications have lots
of interfaces to other servers. Lots of scheduled batch jobs. This seems
to cause a lot of processes to get started that never stop. They tie up
Hi All,
I have a mixed environment 8.0.5 & 8.1.7 databases. I can not use the same
catalog for both versions. I tried creating a new catalog for my 8.0.5
databases (different owner) in the same 8.1.7. database that my other
catalog is in using the rman 805 executable. This also results in erro
There are more rows in that table.
It's one that we use for storing sequential numbers we use... like invoice
numbers, membership numbers etcetc
So we have to lock row when using it, so noone else uses the same number
when we add a new member or
create a new invoice...
But good advice tho, and
The auxiliary database is the clone of the target database (Oracle really should
have called this parameter SOURCE instead of TARGET). It (the auxiliary) is the one
you are creating.
The auxiliary database should be started nomount. The only files needed for the
auxiliary are the
In the past, I was running Oracle 8.1.5 and the clients were running
Oracle Forms 4.5. When I queried v$session and looked at the program
field I could see what clients where running f45run32.exe.
Now we are on Oracle 8.1.6 and the clients are running Forms60. When I
now query v$session the p
Hi All,
I have a package pkg1 that has a variable var 1 declared
Inside of pkg2 I want to use pkg1.var1. I always get PLS201 identifier
pkg1.var1 must be declared.
What do I need to do to correct.
Pkg1 compiles fine.
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.com
I know that at one time, Oracle recommended that you do not put files onto an NFS file
system. I think the OS needs to guarantee that the data was actually written to disk,
and when you use NFS the OS "thinks" the data was written, when in reality it may
still be transferring across the networ
Hi ,
I must have made a really big mess of the catalog or something.
I reinstalled the catalog, recreated TEST2 and ran the clone script again.
Guess what.?
Thx J&J
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@fatcity.com on 25-01-2002 11:10:19
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: [EMAIL
The topic of "Oracle on NT vs. Oracle on UNIX" has been addressed many
times before, but in my searches I have not found hard statistics to
support either choice. I have been running Oracle on Tru64 UNIX for six
years, and it has been rock solid. I have no experience with NT other than
my deskto
We have a client requirement for several Oracle DBAs in Baton Rouge, Louisana.
*This company will provide relocation assistance, as long as there is a viable
reason besides money for the candidate's desire to move there.
These are full time staff positions so no sub-contractors or third parties
I know that this is not the forum to ask perl questions. But is there some
one who can help me on how to read two lines at a time using
a Perl script
My script looks like this :
open(FILE_IN, "<$datafile") or die "Cannot open $datafile...\n";
{ chomp;
@fields = split(/;/
I have JRE Installed here is what I
$: java -versionjava version
"1.3.0_02"Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
1.3.0_02)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0_02, mixed
There fore Java is
I think this might have so
Title: RE: More Rman q's
TEST3 instance should be exactly as you stated, an Oracle instance with no datafiles as yet.
What I think I was meaning regarding the names of the objects is that the format is
Rman catalogue = catalogue
Source database = target
new database = auxilliary.
is there only one row in that table? if so, you can lock the table
try it without the nowait...
--- Stefan Jakobsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Having a small problem I need some help with...
> The problem is trying to lock a row on a parameter table for an
> application.
> T
U can e-mail me @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] to remind me:
I have real life examples I can send u: Today is holiday in middle east
where I work: I will be at work tomorrow and I will send them
- Original Message -
To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, Ja
You are right.
I didn't notice the order of the dates in 'between' condition.
That's why I prefer to use:
where Time_Stamp > ...
and Time_Stamp < ...
in this case don't have to bother about the order.
Still, 'group by' attracted my attention, because even with correct or
Hi Raj,
Interesting that you first agree with Jeremy and then argue with him. It
is precisely because
export does not generate rollback that the "gymnastics" of taking all of
the other rbs's offline
will not help anything. It might make you feel better, however :-).
Thank you very much, Henry, I really appreciate the help. I'll post the
results later.
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:25 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject:RE: Session_wait
Let me try again (using expand -t 3 as suggeste
Hi All,
I know it has been asked many times but I have changed jobs and no longer
have old e-mail. Anyway I need to know
how to send e-mail using pl/sql with attachments. Any real
examples,links,references would be very helpful.
My environment is Oracle NT 8.1.6 SE, NT 4.0, client is Win 2000
We are evaluating databases to our web site and the candidates are Oracle
and MS. We already have Oracle running on our production environments , but
, mainly a cost-based decision , management don´t want to buy Oracle to the
web site. So , we want to know how big are the MS databases out th
Does anyone know if the book is any good? I'm thinking about getting it,
-Original Message-
Sent: 24 January 2002 23:25
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
That could have something to do with the questions not being pointed
Could be they'r
I'm, not sure I understand what you mean by "the instance reference to
the parameter file"
do you mean the init.ora file that's used when the database starts up?
You can override that by
startup pfile=
--- Jay Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello:
> I have read and tried (sorry
Having a small problem I need some help with...
The problem is trying to lock a row on a parameter table for an application.
The thing we need to do is following:
Read the value in one row. LOCK that row for other users, increase the value
with one
update the row with the new value and release
hey my fingers type by the "memory method" -- so I usually end up with
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin backspace backspace backspace
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> guess I should cut and paste, huh?
> Jared
> Rachel Carmichael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Se
I would suggest you should take a look at
Osborne Oracle Press !!! They are very good !!
i.e. ISBN.: 0-07-212048-7 Oracle Developer Advanced Forms & Reports
very powerful knowledge !!
> Frank <
>Von: Gagandeep Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Greetings All !!!
Am I misreading all this, but should the auxiliary database be in existence
before I can Clone to it?
I created the init.ora and all directories and started TEST3 in nomount. I
created the password file and can connect to it with a connect string no
Another point is. Did you mean
Greetings All !!!
Could anyone tell me which book is best for the oracle developer which is compatible
with Oracle 8i.
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.com
Author: Gagandeep Singh
Fat City Network Services-- (85
Can you please guide me how to do all these steps?
"MacGregor, Ian A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@fatcity.com den 2002-01-24 08:15 PST
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