Keep on dreaming.
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Sinardy Xing wrote:
> Hi US friends,
> How high is your income tax ?
> 90-110K is this the take home pay ?
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Lyndon Tiu
Fat City Network Services
Hi US friends,
How high is your income tax ?
90-110K is this the take home pay ?
-Original Message-
Sent: 04 October 2002 03:37
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Position: Sr. Oracle 8i DBA
Location: New York, New York
Industry: Publishing, Ecommerce
Salary Range: 90
I think Tom explained the machine column.
For process column it is:
= client PID
eg start sqlplusw on your PC, connect to a DB and run query
then start Taskmanager on your PC - = PID of sqlplusw.exe
Not sure what (it's not the thread ID on the server - that is v$process
Actually two things can cause differences between tkprof output and
"explain plan" output:
1. Schema changes between when the trace output was collected and when
the tkprof was executed.
2. tkprof bugs. Tkprof often produces incorrect execution plans from the
STAT lines in the trace file. You ca
In the perfect world you would expect the two explain plans (don't worry
about the different headings) to be identical. Someone can probably answer
this precisely but the first one is created during the trace and the second
one is provided because you supplied the "explain=user/pass" opti
"Row Source Operation" is what Oracle actually did, or, at least what
was recorded in the trace file. "Execution Plan" is what TkProf did in
response to you specifying "explain=" option. They can differ if things
changed from the time the trace was done to the time the explain was
Perhaps this is out of the question, but...
What about the possibility of creating a batch_month column and using that
to partition the table. Leave the bitmap index on batch_date for those who
need it and let the other users go into the table using batch_month
= 'blah'. Unfortunately I
Somebody knows how to connect to a Oracle DB,
In a Solaris 8 Server, and insert data
With Visual Basic, through internet?
Thank you.
Francisco Murillo
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Francisco Murillo Montoya
Fat Cit
On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 10:33:37AM -0800, Yechiel Adar wrote:
> He: NO need. the tnsnames and everything go by server name.
> I: OK.
"Trust, but verify" - Ronald Reagan
Ray Stell [EMAIL PROTECTED] (540) 231-4109 KE4TJC
I am running tkprof on some trace files with the following options:
(Oracle 8.1.7)
explain=/ sort=exeqry,fchqry,execu,fchcu
Output after each query includes the following two tables:
Rows Row Source Operation
--- ---
And you would not know!
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Khedr, Waleed
Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
I think that there is another dimension to the problem that you may not be
aware of and that is even when you think that you succeeded to eliminate the
use of the index on the batch_date using a hint (no_index), Oracle still has
to go the table using the rowid (after conversion from bitmap) to fil
The header is from a show done in Israel and is one of the pearls of wisdom
from Jerusalem.
The guy who is responsible for the fucked up system that went down last
weekend decided to move the system to the backup server and run it from
there until they fixed up the original server.
He did it by d
Hey, if you'll buy it, I'll record it.
Should alleviate the parental bed time story
for the kiddies. A little subliminal DBA learning
couldn't hurt either.
could it?
On Saturday 12 October 2002 16:48, Joe Testa wrote:
> I would think the authors should read and publish the books in .
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