To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Multiple DBs - Balancing Act
(trying again with "bad" word modified )
We rated our databases based on factors such as vocal customers,
database size (larger database might require special handling),
development stage (new, rapidly developed apps tend to cause more work)
and daily troubleshooting (anything with a pipel
This question is for folks who are part of a team that manages
multiple databases and multiple platforms.
How do you balance the load among your team? We're struggling
with this concept right now as we're about to add another DBA to
the group. We've considered such things as quantity (how many
I would put it that way:
1) you got a bunch of databases
2) these databases need work done on them
3) therefore you got a bunch of DBAs
And the dimension ranges are:
1) a database can be unimportant .. very important
easy to maintain .. hard to maintain
need little skills .. need muc
At WorldCom, the manager tried to make as good of an assessment as he could
make about how much time supporting each of the databases would require and
divided the databases up as evenly as he could. Each DBA was the primary
for a certain number of databases; and just about everyone could be