RE: O R A C L E 9i References

2003-07-09 Thread Freeman Robert - IL
Pradeep, I think if you contact Oracle directly they could certainly provide you with some reference RAC customers that you could talk to. RF -Original Message- To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Sent: 7/9/2003 5:34 AM Hello everyone, We are looking for high availabilty databas

RE: O R A C L E 9i References

2003-07-09 Thread Ron Yount
Pradeep, I don't know of any specific "cliff notes" on RAC in production, but I have been involved in extensive testing of RAC/TAF for our environment for about 18 months. If you have specific questions, feel free to send them to me. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Ron- -Original Message- Pradeep Ku

O R A C L E 9i References

2003-07-09 Thread Pradeep Kumar G
Hello everyone, We are looking for high availabilty database solution for a product which is under initial development. We have suggested Oracle RAC as the database option. Can we go for IBM DB2 ESE as another database option ? Can anybody give good references of organisations having production