Title: How to deregister OEM 2.2 jobs and events when agent is not available?
There is a paper on this in MetaLink.

Log a TAR, they will point you to it.


Patrice Boivin
Systems Analyst (Oracle Certified DBA)

Systems Admin & Operations | Admin. et Exploit. des systèmes
Technology Services        | Services technologiques
Informatics Branch         | Direction de l'informatique
Maritimes Region, DFO      | Région des Maritimes, MPO


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Munday [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:58 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: How to deregister OEM 2.2 jobs and events when agent is not available?


Does anyone know how to deregister Enterprise Manager jobs and events when the Intelligent Agent is not available.  I have looked on metalink and was not able to find anything of relevance.

The platform is Solaris 8, Oracle 8.1.7 Server.


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