> this: Can the Designer/2000 R2.1 repository be hosted in an 8.1.5
In the past I have always had least trouble when migrating the repository
to a different server version by creating a new repository on the new server
then using "application/archive" in the RON. Archive the application
Only 8.1.7 version is not supported for Des2000 repository. You can migrate
the existing v7.1.3 repository without any problem with migration utility or
any means of migration. should work.
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 1:16 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I have a 7.3.4 Oracle database (called CASE) on my Sun Solaris 2.6
operating system that contains my Des/2000 R2.1 repository.
I'd like to migrate the 7.3.4 CASE database to 8.1.5. My question is
this: Can the Designer/2000 R2.1 repository be hosted in an 8.1.5
database? If yes, do I have to