I hope someone on the list can help.




            Red Hat Linux


I’m in the process of trying to connect to a Progress database via Java Stored Procedures in Oracle  The Progress JDBC driver is a type 2 driver, which means that it has shared libraries that it must access. 


The java test code works outside of the database.  The connection to the Progress database is successful.  The library path for the Progress JDBC driver was added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.


The Progress JDBC driver was loaded into the database via the loadjava utility.  When I run the test program though the database, I get an error indicating that the library files could not be found.  The Oracle user’s profile has the additions to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the Progress JDBC driver, but this didn’t help.


I was able to find one forum note on Metalink where someone got this to work, but no details.  Where should I set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable for the database to be able to find this 3rd party library files?  Any ideas would be appreciated.   As you can probably tell, I’m new to Unix/Linux.



Thanks in Advance,


Scott Graves

Sr. Systems Programmer



Phone: 636-922-9122 x7616

Fax: 636-922-2080


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