TOAD has a 'Generate Schema script' function and if I recall correctly
you can specify the objects that you want the script to include. You can
download an evaluation copy at
On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 19:24, system manager wrote:
> Dear all, I have a scri
Yep, that's a good call, although there was some bug with paritioned tables
I think...
Also, metalink note 1016836.6 has a script for capturing constraints.
- Original Message -
To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 11:49
There are probably such scripts in internet, or you can write your own in
few minutes, but if you need it only once, then one easy way would be just
to use TOAD (free/shareware ver) or similar tools to extract scripts of your
constraints from database.
- Original Message -
To: "Mu
For 9i DBs, DBMS_METADATA will (re)create DDL for every (at least most)
object in the DB.
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Ma
12/30/2003 11:24 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: recreate constraints script - URGENT
Dear all, I have a script to generate constraints for a single t
Thanks Rajendra, Good idea but I have 1200 tables :(I got a good
script from our list long time ago but lost it.That script can capiture
constraints for the schema owner.
Original Message
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 11:39:26 -0800
>run the sam
Thanks Ron, I got this recreate constraints script from our list but
lost it.It was really good script and it can re-generate all the
constraints under a schema owner.
Original Message
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 12:14:26 -0800
>dba_constraint will
dba_constraint will inform you of the tables that have constraints and
what type of constraint they are.
Further digging into the dba_ tables will provide the information you
desire. Keep the scripts as part of the database documentation and
update when needed.
Third party software can provide the
run the same script for every table for the schema owner and spool everything to the
same file ... there you have it.
Rajendra dot Jamadagni at nospamespn dot com
All Views expressed in this email are strictly pe
Dear all, I have a script to generate constraints for a single table
but I need a script to generate constraints for a schema owner . Can
anyone send me a copy?
Many thanks,
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