Hi Folks,
I am looking for a source of Sobralia seed. Out here in Australia there are
very few people who grow them and consequently it is difficult to obtain
I have tried e-mailing several people in South America but have never even
received an answer.
As I am particularly keen on them I
Last year I innocently bought a plant from J & L labeled Stelis allenii. Looking it up established that it was named by Williams in 1942 and comes from Panama.
According to OrchidWiz, the correct name is Stel. maxima. Looking it up in IPNI shows that a recent name of Stelis maxima is illegitimate,
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't have Aliflor, but I will put my tampensis in a slotted terra-cotta pot with bark mix and extra Sponge-Rok.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)
I thought you would like to know:
I found Canon's support page on their Web site. They do not charge anything for e-mails or phone calls. If the product is an older one, they only charge $10.
I wrote & asked them about the pale printing. It turns out that Canon printers do not support the Virtual P
Consider mounting on the outside of an inverted clay pot. Depending on
humitity and temperature (time of year) you can keep it in a small saucer
and add water as conditions require. Obviously this would require good
quality water to avoid salt buildup on the pot.
I used to live in Vero Beach
I am trying to find a picture of the hawk moth Xanthopan morgani praedicta
(the pollinator of Angraecum sesquipedale) that I could use in my next
orchid society newsletter. A picture of the moth with the Angraecum would
be nice, but even a picture of just the moth would be useful. I have
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