[OGD] Just Curious

2007-10-18 Thread IrisCohen
There are Den. Imelda Romualdez and Imelda Marcos, and Aranda Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Then there are Paph. liemianum and Paph. kolopakingii. Does anyone know of any other case where more than one orchid was named after the same person using different names? Iris ***


2007-10-18 Thread Orchids Limited
I thought it might be of interest to the group to visit the CITES web site http://www.cites.org/eng/disc/fund.shtml and read about the funding of this organization. It is pretty much a joke. Many countries pay nothing or little at all and many are far behind in payments, some since the early 90

[OGD] re legal or?

2007-10-18 Thread Orchids Limited
I have been reading the posts on CITES plants with great interest. The first paragraph on the 'What is CITES" home page states >"CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species >of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between >governments. Its aim is to en

[OGD] development (France)

2007-10-18 Thread viateur . boutot
"Des orchidées protégées pourraient compromettre le projet de plate-forme logistique d’Ikea dans les Bouches-du-Rhône... À Fos-sur-Mer, le Port Autonome de Marseille propose des terrains constructibles aux entreprises... le terrain convoité se situe aux abords d’une... zone humide... l’étude d’i

[OGD] passion (Brasil)

2007-10-18 Thread viateur . boutot
"Mecânico de profissão, Waldemar Maffi... as orquídeas... “... via muitas plantas agarradas ao tronco das árvores caídas na derrubadas, então decidi salvar algumas delas... Fui trazendo e pendurando em tudo que é galho das árvores e palheiras do meu quintal e quando me dei conta já tinha uma im