[OGD] Marianne and Sandy

2004-12-10 Thread Dorris
Wow...Marianne really said it all...I am in love...If I was not married I would surely want to know that gal...Perfectly said..I have reread it many times...Love it...I do not feel that any more can be said on the subject after that...and Sandy...Great remark...Cock fighting is all the thing

[OGD] France

2004-12-07 Thread Dorris
Well PeterTo my best knowledge, no terrorists have threatened to annihilate France in the near future..and since they have made it clear that they do not want anything to do with us, we neednt fear that they will ever be threatened...consequently I do not imagine that they will ever be

[OGD] Color

2004-12-06 Thread Dorris
trust this one gets through..none of my submissions lately have made it...In an old issue of the AOS bulletin the color issue pertaining to alba was written up in detail...According to the rules as of then, alba meant a LACK of the pigment to color the flower purple...and nothing else...of

[OGD] Alba genetics

2004-12-06 Thread Dorris
Roy Toknaga at HR did a lot of work on the genetics of the alba form...What he lectures on is the fact that the gene does not always show up at the same spot in the helix between any two species...Consequently you might well fail to align them to where you would get a successful alba form from

[OGD] Colored glass

2004-11-23 Thread Dorris
I can state firmly that white or green will distort the colors of the blooms...I know because I tried them out and regretted it...I found myself getting great alba forms that, as it turned out, were not supposed to be albas...So buyer beware...and it makes perfect sense if you think about it.

[OGD] George and Eric

2004-10-26 Thread Dorris
Eric, you got it dead right in every respect..Full Stop...I can stand here and defend George til the die I die...I can do so with something on my side that (likely) no one else here can do...George sued the hell out of me and won..big money...for something that some one else did to him...I just

[OGD] Homeland Security

2004-10-24 Thread Dorris
Boy do I hate getting into this sort of thingBUT...when people say that fascist type tactics are less threatening then 3000 lives...Well Excuse Me....When the government (which is SUPPOSED to be us, takes over your life to the extent that everything you do is examined and then takes action

[OGD] Norris

2004-10-11 Thread dorris
All things aside..George WAS caught by carnivore and by the use of the name Kovachii..The agents showed him his email..and, in fact, left it behind when they left with the ten boxes and his computer..guess they did not have enough arms left to carry it out with them..He also found this to be

[OGD] Norris

2004-10-09 Thread dorris
I guess I know as much about all this as anyone and I can tell you that George (nor Manuel) had anything to do with Kovachii...And believe you me I know plenty about that too...To tell the truth George was screwed all the way down the line. SOMEONE sent him an Email offering

[OGD] C. quadricolor

2004-09-20 Thread Dorris
Sorry..but no way can you say that C. candida is a valid name for C. quadricolor..It was written up years after the original write up for quadricolor ...and as for any other mentions of the plant itself in any publications..no true descriptions were written...Look it up...The only valid name is

[OGD] C. quadricolor

2004-09-19 Thread Dorris
Though it has been called a variety of other names i.e. chocoensis and also a variety of labiata var. trianae..but quadricolor was written first...in 1864...by Bateman...in the Gardeners Chronicle...You should have no problem finding all that data...Bill

[OGD] Bush Snails

2004-09-14 Thread Dorris
I have been privy to lots and lots on info on Bush snails for all of my 30 years in the orchid area...Sorry to report that they are a true menace and are not easily controlled. The big problem is that they have no sense of smell so that the normal deterrents do not work well. The only tried and

[OGD] rebuttal

2004-08-27 Thread Dorris
In response to Epstein's remarks..though well intended perhaps..not nearly complete enough to spark any more conflict in regards to the status of the AOS...Here is the message from Lee Cooke to me this morning... Simply put, werre1,049 members better than where we stood a year ago. At August 1,

[OGD] Aos

2004-08-21 Thread Dorris
Sorry if I gave the wrong impression about Canada..My dad was born there and grandfather fought for them in WW1...Just that member or not...Canada telling us how to run the AOS is not acceptable...(if they do not like it) form their own group...) but (of course) all this is directed to a small

[OGD] Liar

2004-08-20 Thread Dorris
I admit it..I lied..I said I would not continue the tirade ...but I cannot resist..There are too many fools out there for me to just shut up...I could go on but will not...Canadians should not be telling us what is good or not about OUR publications...Let us see a COS magazine run by Peter...Sorry

[OGD] Sorry

2004-08-11 Thread dorris
who agree immediately write in...Those who disagree..remember..we now know who you are...JEEESSHHH I hate myself for saying any of this...;but REMEMBER...I now have had seven glasses...and ONLY because...I love the guy...(I am married happily to Dorris.) and she equally adores him...(Long pause

[OGD] RE: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 318

2004-08-06 Thread dorris
Coryanthes...I have collected them in bloom right on the Amazon River in Peru...They bloomed above the water on trees with little shade and on branches right over the river. Blooms pendant..Those plants have far stronger stems than in the greenhouse..Bill Bergstrom -- Original

[OGD] Manuel

2004-07-28 Thread Dorris
As I had said before, Manuel is safely in Peru..They (the press there) are hectoring him...I saw a picture from there where he is giving the finger to a reporter from inside his car...shades of American Politicians.You may believe that his government will not feed him to the dogs...especially

[OGD] Physan..once again and last

2004-07-22 Thread Dorris
Does nothing against virus...Have no idea why they have the temerity to state so...Test HAVE been done and a lecture on the subject delivered to HOGA here in Hawaii...TSP in strong solution is the only chemical currently in use that was verified..Of course there are others..but it was noted that

[OGD] Physan

2004-07-21 Thread Dorris
Sorry Bert...I have been using the stuff for over 25 years..I absolutely found that at the ratio you ascribe I had very bad distortion in my blooms...This happened repeatedly..So I called up the folks that made it..since we all knew them from shows and meetings, they were very frank and admitted

[OGD] Michael

2004-07-16 Thread Dorris
My remarks to Michael had absolutely nothing to do with the Lacy act...It had to do with his attitude..nothing more. His remarks as to the situation as it stands is what I am talking about...Telling people to F themselves like our Veep did and paraphrased by Mike against Guidodoes nothing for us

[OGD] Arrias

2004-07-13 Thread Dorris
The worry over what Manuel will say in court is now a wasted bit of time. Some time ago Manuel (an old friend) was able to obtain a new passport, boarded a flight and took wing back to Peru...He was horribly mistreated here and you may make bet that he will never return. I met with him at the

[OGD] Vector

2004-07-09 Thread Dorris
Wind. Folks put up plants on trees and natural pollenators do their job. Wind (which we have plenty of) blows the seed all over the place...Could not begin to tell you what the pollenators are...Could be birds in some cases..insects others...All we know is that plants are cropping up all over the

[OGD] papillio

2004-07-09 Thread Dorris
That plant is worth a ton...save it...It was over watered, pure and simple. All psychopsis seem to hate water to almost any degree over subsistance...Growing in fern fiber is one way to keep the death rate down. I have had an alba for 6 years now..doing fine..four or five blooms at a time...Trick

[OGD] Spathoglottis Plicata

2004-07-07 Thread Dorris
I guess you might say with certaintly that I am an expert on this subject...I have several thousand plants growing at the nursery or here at home..Also, now growing here, are the Arundina Bambosifolia and also by the hundreds, Phaius Tankervilliae..which only does well way back in the forested