"30 new species of orchid ... discovered... in previously unexplored 
tropical rainforests in the Papua New Guinea.

The species were uncovered in the Kikori region during a series of 
expeditions organised by the WWF as part of its efforts to catalogue the 
floral diversity of the area.

"The island of New Guinea is a goldmine of orchids," said Wayne Harris, a 
botanist from Queensland Herbarium and one of the world's leading 
authorities on the subject.

"There are more than 3,000 known species found here. The expeditions have 
added significantly to the known floral diversity. Papua New Guinea already 
has more recorded orchid species than any other country in the world." 
[more than Ecuador or Colombia ???]
Olo Gebia, an ecologist for WWF, said: "Around 70 species of orchid that 
used to exist in the forests of neighbouring Indonesia have become extinct 
because of illegal logging,.."
Kikori, which includes Lake Kutubu, is internationally recognised for the 
diversity of its plant life and has been the focus of several zoological 
expeditions by the wildlife organisation since 1998.
The announcement comes just a week before the official launch of two new 
wildlife management areas in the region. They will help to protect the 
tropical rainforest areas where the orchids were discovered"

Article URL : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2405570,00.html


"conservationists have made a discovery... up to 28 new species of the 
flower. Eight of them are already confirmed as brand new plants that have 
never been seen before.

Among them is a stunning orchid with a delicate star-shaped flower and 
another that has bright white petals dabbed with vivid fuschia. The team 
have also recently found another 20 orchids in the same area and are now 
busy trying to verify whether these too are newly-discovered species.

Conservationists... are... appealing for renewed efforts to protect the 
Kikori region where the orchids were found to ensure these flowers... are 
not destroyed.

The flowers mark the culmination of a long-term study by the WWF charity 
going back as far as 1998 of tropical rainforest in the country. Papua New 
Guinea occupies the eastern half of the tropical island of New Guinea - the 
other half belonging to Indonesia...
The WWF is working to help conserve the Kikori region...

Two new Wildlife Management Areas, protecting significant areas of 
rainforest, are due to be announced in a week's time to help extend the 
amount of protected land in the country"

article URL : 

see photos : http://img.dailymail.co.uk//i/pix/2006/10/orchid2_228x773.jpg



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