1- Have you authorized Mr Ginsberg to include your name in the alternate
slate he is proposing in opposition to the one proposed by the AOS
nominating committee?
2- Do you agree with the accusations being bandied about that in your case,
the nominating committee acted due to anti-semitism and homophobia? WHAT
EVIDENCE ( NOT RUMORS) can you present that members of the committee are
anti-semites and homophobes?
3- The changing of certain by-laws regarding direct nominations is aslo
being attacked. Yet, for the changes to have been carried , the AOS Board of
Trustees and the Executive Committee BOTH of which you are currently a
member had had to pass judgement on them: as a matter of fact , the final
cosntitution of the Nomminating Committe had to be approved by the Board.
Are we to believe that you , a member of the Executive Committte  and of the
Board had no involvement whatsoever in these processes?
4- Why are you supporting with your silence the attacks on Mr Rasmmann and
Mrs Slaughter? Or do you actually support the statement that their selection
( in the case of Mr Rassmman, his continued selection) as Directors was
plagued with conflicts of interest? Do you have evidence of conflicts of
interest by the members of the Nominating Committee ( ACTUAL PROFF , NOT
INUENDO) ? Do you believe ( as it has beeing insinuated by those who support
you) that Taylor Slaughter was only selected on account of her husband al
and not on account of her independent service as a volunteer to the AOS?
5- Some of the people supporting your candidacy in opposition to that of Mr
Moore and the proposed "official slate" are threatening withholding support
to the AOS if you are not elected. Do you support their stance?
Mr Bronstein your silence is deafening. With your silence you seem to be
giving support to many positions and opinions that can easily be disproven
or that by their nature are inflamatory, close to being diffamatory and
dammaging to the future of the AOS . You have served the members of the
Society in a number of position ...You aspire to serve the members of this
Society as its President...
Leadership Mr Bronstein is demonstrated not by hiding behind proxies but by
speaking out for oneself.
Those Members ( me included) want to hear from you. 
Jose A. Izquierdo
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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