Somewhere there must be a site that filters out bad language and deals only
with the subject such as orchids. Any suggestions?
        The bad language & name calling just seems childish and unnecessary
but unavoidable by some! Look at our local and national elections this year,
the mudslinging has begun everywhere.

        If all this wasted effort had just been applied to the task at hand
just imagine how much further forward the organization would be right now!
>Andy Easton

This year's AOS Elections are in the same format as they were in 2002, 2000
etc etc. No-one made any comment about the structure of the ballot or voting
procedures at those previous elections, why now? As I have said previously
this is all mischief and distracting from what should be the AOS goals: an
orderly transfer of officers and a focus on how to continue to build
membership and improve the income stream while satisfying a worldwide
membership of over 26,000 orchid enthusiasts.

Andy Easton
        The questions and arguments being posed on this and the AOS forum
are not orchid related and only "growing" information should be allowed.
Where else are we suppose to be able to do this.        For some of us it is
obviously important or we wouldn't be taking up so much time and space.  If
we have questions and want to be a part of the organization and be involved
I believe we have the right to question what is going on.
        We have heard nothing since the new headquarters has been built than
how much money is needed and how much more is needed and now there is a huge
change in the "normal" progression of officers at the same time there was a
change in the numbers of proxies needed to vote against the slate.
  It does seem to some of us outsiders that don't live in Florida that the
goals of the AOS have changed to being more commercial and less educational
and supportive of the affiliated societies.
         There do need to be changes in the AOS I am sure as there are
natural changes in life anyway, but an organization that's main goal in the
mission statement is education and conservation.....  It does seem the
organization has backed way away from those principals and I think some of
us want to know why that is and where it is going and not blindly agree with
everything that is done for "us".

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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