It appears that one of my plants of Dendrobium brymerianum may be the variety histrionicum. The buds did not open at all but self pollinated . My initial reading indicates that this is a habit of this variety, that it happens occasionally and may be dependent on growing conditions.
Does anyone have experience with this variety? Is it possible that this plant may flower at some stage or is it destined to be a non-flowering clone? I had the plant in my glasshouse for a few months prior to the "non-flowering" so it may have got too hot - temperatures get to mid-high 30s Celsius in that time.
I have pods on the plant , is it going to be worth harvesting the seed? I wouldn't want to trade it with friends if its only going to produce more self pollinating clones.
If you prefer to contact me off OGD my address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
regards from Sydney Australia 
Guy Cantor   
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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