Hello John,

I believe, the program (pipermail) that is used on the OGD to 
automatically send postings to all readers only sends posts that are 
sent in plain text or the plain text portion of a post. In this example 
("An HTML attachment was scrubbed...    
"), I believe that the scrubbed html attachment that is scrubbed most of 
the time is something a anti-virus program attaches to outgoing e-mail 
saying that the e-mail has been scanned, but it could be something else.
Also, postings that are sent in html format are scrubbed. Recently 
someone has tried to post using a web based e-mail account, in this case 
from a hotmail account. I believe that on these web based e-mail 
accounts that since you compose your e-mails on the web in html format 
that you have no choice but to send them in html. You can similarly run 
into problems if your personal computer e-mail software (Outlook, 
Thunderbird, or similar) is set to send your e-mail out only in html. If 
you are having this problem, look under the options menu to change this 
setting. By the OGD sending only posts that are received in plain text 
you eliminate the chance of spreading viruses and ads.
As to why your posts bounce other then hitting reply, they shouldn't if 
they are addressed to: orchids@orchidguide.com
They can bounce if the post is to long.

To better posting.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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