>both an HN Rasmussen and a F Rasmussen are quoted. 
>I'm assuming one is Finn Rassmussen (who posts here)
>but don't know who the other Rasmussen is. 
Dr. Hanna Nina Rasmussen was(is) a senior scientist at the Danish Institute
of Plant Science and Soil Science, Department of Ornamentals, Aarslev, Denmark.
She is the well known author of  Terrestrial Orchids From Seed To Mycotrophic Plant,
a book I can recommend to all who are interested in orchid mycorrhizas.
Hanna also did some field studies in the USA, for the Smithsonian Institute, concerned with
N. A. terrestrial orchid symbiotic fungi. Hanna is a very knowledgeable and pleasant person,
to meet, as I found out when she came to my home. To the best of my knowledge,  she is
not related to Finn Rasmussen, but perhaps Finn can tell us himself.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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