Prompted by Lauder's problems in getting  delivery from a SE Asian Nursery, I 
wish to report a more  pleasant experience with Saigon Orchids and Flora of 
Viet Nam.  Some  of the fleshy bulbed species [Calanthe, Phaius, etc.] I 
ordered  were found to harbor beetle larvae by the supposedly lax Miami Ag  
inspectors, and required gassing.  Ag took the trouble to point the larvae  out to me 
so there was no denying them.  The Orchid exporters I deal  with request only 
50% of the payment up front, permitting holding back  a sum for adjustments, 
if necessary.  I pointed out the problem to Saigon  O&F and suggested an 
adjustment of 50% value of the three gassed cartons  [out of nine] for delayed 
injuries.  They agreed without  dispute.  So if one wants SE Asian orchids, I 
suggest trying  Saigon O&F as honorable.
    In contrast, I have obtained a  few shipments from Simanis in Indonesia.  
The  earlier ones contained excellent specimens, but the last shipment was  
gassed with dire consequences.  This was incontestable since live  beetles were 
found on the foliage in my presence, as the boxes were  opened.  When Mr. 
Kolopaking, of Simanis bugged me by email  for quick settlement because he needed 
the money "for his sick mother"  I opted for an adjustment of 20%.  With 
time, the true extent of  the damage was closer to 60%.  I so informed him and 
said that I would  expect a further adjustment on the next shipment.  I was 
prepared to sell  his stock at the Redlands Fair [Miami] last May, but I requested 
a  further allowance for the damage to the previous shipment.  He  refused!  
As a consequence I have not dealt with him since, nor would I  take a chance in 
the future.  When live beetles appear, this is clearly the  shipper's fault 
since it indicates inadequate treatment for  insects.
    The moral of the story is that there  are reputable orchid dealers in SE 
Asia, but some are less reputable than  others.  Caveat emptor.  The second 
conclusion is that Miami Ag  Inspectors are anything but lax, but they are 
willing to take the trouble to  point out to the importer the reason that a given 
shipment has to be  gassed.  My conclusion is that they are true  professionals 
and Kathy's alarm is unwarranted. 
  Bert  Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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