I can sympathize with you regarding the destruction squirrels can cause to plants growing outdoors during the warm months.  Over the years, they have damaged or destroyed so many plants, orchids and many others, that I no longer place any valuable plant outdoors.  You stated you plan to use keiki paste on a Laelia plant with "no eyes remaining."  Why?  Keiki paste stimulates dormant vegetative buds (eyes) to become active.  Using keiki paste on a plant with all eyes removed would be much the same as performing CPR on a corpse with the heart already removed.
Your best option is to search the catalogs of your favorite orchid suppliers and order a replacement.  Of course, all of us who suffer from orchid addiction are accustomed to the constant drain on our bank accounts if we are to avoid the terrible effects of orchid withdrawal that occur when do not have a steady supply of plants.  My heart raced and my hands started trembling just reading about the loss of your Laelia species.  I had to order a Paph. Ho Chi Minh to avoid a trip to the ER.
Good luck.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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