I have been trying to make some sort of sense of the Oncidium varicosum
complex in the last while.
The plant known as Oncidium varicosum 'Baldin', 'Baldwin', 'Baldim', 'Badin',
etc. now appears to be known as Oncidium insigne, this being a piece of Eric
Christenson taxonomy. Does anyone know where this was published, and if it is
is some obscure journal, could someone please send me a scan/abstract?
Secondly, it appears that Oncidium varicosum var. rogersii is now considered
to be Oncidium euxanthinum. Is this widely accepted? The problem here is that
Reichenbach's euxanthinum had a flower width of about 1 inch, whereas one of
the main characteristics for which var. rogersii is famous is its over two
inch wide flowers (6 cm.+). What's more, rogersii is also a Reicnenbach f.
name. It just doen't quite gel.
Lastly, does anyone know where the variety Lindenii of Oncidium varicosum fits
into the complex? There is a picture at the bottom of the webpage I am
greig russell
The page I am working on is:
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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