Peter. You amaze me. Where are the rumors I am spreading about you?? It 
is not I that is spreading rumors but your own kindly self. I am merely 
pointing them out to you and you go and get all offended. You think I 
haven't seen the flasks that are coming out of Alfredo's lab? I know 
what they are like and so do lots of other people. I think it is a 
matter of customer service (oh, don't get me started on that one... 
there isn't much of that anymore...). I think that the current sellers 
of immature and poorly grown Pk flasks ought to be ashamed of 
themselves. Here you have a brand new species that nobody really "knows" 
how to grow yet, and here they go and ship off seedlings that have 
little hope of survival. Can you refute that? They have done a 
disservice to the public they have bilked out of God knows how much money.

You mention sour grapes? The "other guys" (with flasks from PeruFlora) 
that can't sell them for another year...(oh, make it 8 months) I don't 
think they see it that way. They are taking their time, learning how to 
grow these things (and doing so splendidly) and getting them to a safe 
size for sale. In the end they will have a whole lot more satisfied 
customers who are growing stronger and healthier plants which were given 
a better start in life. In the end, they will have preserved far more Pk 
for posterity.

Hey, you out there, what do you think of this idea? Any more of you 
willing to shell out more money for puny things you have no idea how to 
grow? Which would you prefer: that or plants (with culture instructions) 
that are healthy and well established from someone that has proven he 
knows what he is doing? Yup, me too. It's a no-brainer. Now mind you, I 
am not advertising for anyone. I am merely pointing out what I think is 
already painfully (and financially) obvious to many of you.

>That a tiny Pk seedling, slightly bigger than an oil drop in your lamp, can be 
>>grown in 16 months to have a leaf span of 12 inches is indeed amazing. I'd 
>say it >is a miracle! 

Now that has got to really bug you. I don't blame you at all. But you've got to 
see for yourself. The Master is amazing! Yeah, I know all the "rumors" about 
the flasks "might" not be Pk... baloney! More hogwash put out by people with 
something to sell. NOt to fear... those rumors will be put to rest and not in 
the too distant future. Sheesh. 

Peter, there are people out there that might know more about this than you. 
That is not a rumor. Neither is anything else I have said. So, no apology for 

Oh, and BTW, I love the genie analogy. Thanks. You really put a smile on my 
face. I'll have to ask the Master if he will grant me three wishes. Oh, wait... 
Hey, I'm the Genie... I get to grant wishes, too! Cool!

Wishing a warm and sunny Labor Day to all you hard-working people out there.


From: "Peter Croezen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OGD] Re Barbara's "Kovachi"


As expected, you have failed to substantiate any of the rumours you are 
spreading about me on the OGD. It is better than any apology you could have 
come up with. 

Requesting it repeatedly, you seem obsessed with wanting to be flamed. Perhaps 
this is a common problem with genies that escape from Aladdin's lamp? Perhaps 
an attempt to get you out of the Pk saga darkness you live in?

Sorry I can't grant your flaming  wish, that privilege belongs to your Master.

You have a knack of assigning labels to the wrong people.Sour grapes is more 
likely the state of mind several Pk seedling "Masters" find themselves in, when 
they see legal Pk being sold all around them and THEY must wait an additional 
year before they can sell theirs. 

That a tiny Pk seedling, slightly bigger than an oil drop in your lamp, can be 
grown in 16 months to have a leaf span of 12 inches 
is indeed amazing. I'd say it is a miracle! 

Just remember , if you wish to stay out of the lamp you must get your Master to 
grant you two more wishes. Allow me to help you.

Wish 2, that what comes out of your Master's purchased legal bottles are indeed 
Wish 3, that a picture of a non-flowering seedling identifies it as to which 
genus and species it is.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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