Hi Bert -
My intention was never to castigate those who like to
bleach their pots!
With a house and yard full of children and pets, a
container of bleach and pots is a very bad idea.
Whereas, I have a door from my kitchen (and the oven)
right to the patio (where I repot).
And, your pots must be in much better shape than mine
are when you clean them. Soaking in bleach does not
remove roots on the outside and inside, mildew,
fungus, and algae. Spider webs, insect eggs and
casings, cocoons, etc. That involves a lot of
scrubbing and resoaking.
I'm a hobbyist, and the oven method works best for me.
And yes, I am in absolute charge of the oven! I doubt
anyone else in this family knows where we 'keep' it.
Regards - Nancy

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