Most everyone in this list is familiar with the Prohibition back in the 20īs
in the USA. Some very pious church ladies persuaded their politician
husbands to pass a law banning the sale of all forms of alcohoolic  drinks
in the USA. We all know the results: people drank like never before, illegal
trade flurished, curruption at all levels, murders,etc. , until finally they
came to their senses, and reversed the ( very, very, stupid !!!) law. The
drug problem today is not very different : the very fact that it is illegal
( as in my country Brazil, and most others in the world) is one of the
biggest atraction. It is a self defeating situation : if the police is
successful in keeping the drugs off the streets, price goes up, trade is
more atractive and drug dealers will find a way to serve their custumers. If
they would legalize the trade,  at least there would be much less corruption
( although there is a big chance that Colombia , for ex.,  might go broke
;<)  ) . Human nature as such ( since Adam and Eve )makes some people want
or crave the " forbidden" fruit. I agree with many people on the list that
CITES by making it harder to trade plants ( worst yet , it hinders the trade
both of illegal AND legal plants through a horrible bureaucracy) only makes
the problem worse , as can be seen by this recent Peruvian Phrag. mess. I
havenīt seen a picture of this plant yet , but I would bet that there must
be many other hybrid or species Phrags  on the market as beautiful or even
more so than the P.K. I have no doubt the craziness for this plant is based
infinitely more on itīs rarity than itīs beauty. If there were thousands of
P.K. plants over at KMart or Home Depot for $12.99 people would bearily
even look at it. For heavens sake, why canīt we have a program to "promote"
the multiplication  AND trade of desirable plants - that is an ANTI-CITES
trade agreement. The native plants would sure be left alone!
Julio, From Brazil

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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