Title: Reply to Dennis.

Dennis, sorry for the late reply, I was in The Netherlands and boy was it cold! Totally accept that your question is non-inflammatory! The AOS approved taxonomists have to meet a published standard of taxonomic scholarship AND activity and must agree to meet certain time guidelines in their responses. Taxonomists can apply to join or may be asked to join. For example in the case of Padre Ortiz, he was asked to join so that all the CBR's and CHM's granted in Colombian shows would not lapse for difficulty in finding a confirming identifier. Taxonomic authorities can declare limits on their expertise e.g. North American Orchids or may list themselves as ready and willing to ID anything sent to them, with all the attendant risks involved in such a broad canvas. Although I have been accused of hating all taxonomists, I actually see where they have some value in the orchid world as long as they don't take themselves too seriously. Many posters on this list help to keep the taxonomists "down to earth"! Of course Guido is unique and I always chuckle knowing that his PhD is from a British University. Just imagine how the "Kewites" would treat him if his degree was from some institution in Bulgaria!!!

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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