Gentle OGDers,

Stepping aside from the largely lamented lumping of Laeliinae of late,
 I am curious to know what happened to Servo, the bagasse based mix
for potting orchids that had a brief, popular run some years ago.

It was compounded of sugarcane bagasse, hardwood charcoal and
styrofoam pearls, as i recall.

I found it useful for growing certain types of orchid, although not
all types of orchids.

Certain types of orchids that I had in it grew like gangbusters.

I did an online search and cannot seem to find more than a single
reference to using Google.

Maybe someone in the southeast US or elsewhere might know something
about this mix that they can share with us.


Paul Mitchell
Tampa, FL / Alajuela, CR

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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