Well,  I have allowed mailings to continue coming from this list, but haven't
really looked at them in a long time.  I happened to look today and saw the
war going on with Andy Easton.  It is appalling.

I have been growing orchids since age 12 and am now 50.  I consider myself to
be a major league hobbiest with about 4000 Cattleya alliance plants in a 1680
square foot greenhouse.  In spite of this, I hate to tell you folks but they
are just a bunch of flowers.  If people can't get along when discussing
flowers, there is no hope for World peace.  We ought to just go ahead and nuke
em and get it over with.

It's kind of like marriage.  You have to be a decent person to start with and
then you have to make up your mind to get along.  The point is to make other
people feel secure, knowledgeable and wanted, not to deride them in order to
make yourself feel superior and in control... Unless you get some perverse
pleasure from this.  So I will respect the people that apologize and commit to
getting along.

I shall continue to observe.

Alan Bachrach
"Ordway Orchids" (just a name I invented to subscribe to to a gardening
magazine for free)
Nashville, TN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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