The indefatigable Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spaketh thusly:

On Sep 28, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Aaron J. Hicks wrote:

> >          The exemption for flasked seedlings is not recognized by
> > the United States. Europe and other countries may recognize the
> > "washing"
> > of "illegal" (?) plants by passage through sterile culture, but not
> > the United States.
>Well, if flasked seedlings are not permitted by the USFWS, then
>somebody needs to tell the Ag inspectors in Miami, Atlanta, and DFW.

         Sorry, Paul; I was too glib. The "washing" bit was me 
referring to the entry of plants considered "illegal" by US Fish and 
Wildlife, including certain species of paphiopedilum considered 
illegal because there has never been an export permit granted by the 
home country for these plants.

         So, while CITES specifically exempts orchids that are in 
flask- CITES Appendix I and II alike- the US Office of Management 
Authority (I believe it is) reserves certain species of interest on 
the grounds that they could never have left home legally, even if 
they are in flask.

         My understanding is that the US and one other country (whose 
name eludes me) interpret CITES in this fashion, while other 
signatory nations interpret CITES such that flasked "illegal" paphs are legal.

         Or, at least, this is my understanding based on what I knew 
as of a year or two ago. I haven't had the time to muck my way 
through the CFR, nor call the OMA.

         Chandler, AZ

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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