"Conflicts between environmental goals and construction work...

the European Commission threatens... with a court injunction to make road 
workers step down in favour of preserving nature.

... a fight over a highway bypass due to be blasted through the Rospuda 
valley: a forested area home to a unique wetland system, many rare 
orchid... species...

The bypass is supposed to upgrade an expressway through Lithuania, Latvia 
and Estonia, called Via Baltica, which links Warsaw and Helsinki. The 
260-million-euro project, due to be completed by 2010, is considered 
economically vital for the poor northwestern part of Poland. But 
environmentalists say the expressway threatens to seriously damage a nature 
reserve designated as a 'special protection area'...

When in February Polish authorities gave road contractors the green light, 
the nation was moved to protest. Several scientific bodies have lodged 
complaints, among them the biology faculty of the University of Warsaw.

Despite a warning that the European Commission issued last December, 
roadworks and clearing for the project began two weeks ago. "We had to 
accelerate our normal procedure, because something irreplaceable was about 
to be destroyed," says Barbara Helfferich, a spokeswoman for the European 
Commission's environment directorate. On 28 February, the European 
Commission threatened to file an injunction at the European Court of 
Justice if Poland failed to respond within one week, and construction 
activity was suspended.

The Polish government has responded, but says their road does not violate 
European law. Poland is "open to dialogue with the European Commission", 
says a spokesman for the ministry. It is unclear if and when construction 
will resume.
Rospuda valley contains "a rare mosaic of unspoilt habitats", the 
Commission says. One of these habitats is a uniquely preserved 
groundwater-fed mire or fen, once typical of many lowland regions in 
central Europe.

"Human settlement and agriculture have turned most of Europe's fens into 
skeletons," says Hans Joosten, a mire ecologist at the University of 
Greifswald in Germany, and secretary general of the International Mire 
Conservation Group. Joosten is currently drafting a report on request of 
the European Commission about the mire's ecological value. "Rospuda is the 
last fen in central Europe that has remained almost pristine. It shows us 
how such ecosystems have evolved in the last thousand years," he says.

"Rospuda valley is probably the last reference system [of its type] in 
Europe for restoration ecologists," agrees Wiktor Kotowski, president of 
Save Wetlands, a Polish environmental group.

Scientists find it hard to predict exactly how harmful the road would have 
been for the valley...
"In the long run [such a road] might destroy the water cycle and thus the 
whole ecosystem," says Joosten.

Nature conservation has little priority in Poland, says Kotowski. "Most 
people don't understand that we either have to protect our heritage or we 
will lose it." Instead of choosing an alternative route, Poland had offered 
to compensate the damage by planting trees, creating ponds and restoring 
wetlands. But the European Commission considered these measures "weak and 

If Poland continues road works in the protected site without Brussels's 
permission, the European Commission says the next step would be to take the 
case before the European Court of Justice."

article URL : http://www.nature.com/news/2007/070305/full/070305-16.html

photo : [caption : "The Rospuda valley..."]



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