Charles (Baker) :

You wrote : "Cyrtochilum meirax. This orchid is found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru where it grows in
wet cloudforests at about 4900 ft. (1500 m). Summer days warm to about 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) and nights average near 55 degrees F (13 degrees C). Winter days average about 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) with nights about 50 degrees F (10 degrees C)."

I believe that, at 1500 m, the temperature could warm up to over 25 degrees.
Also, I would think that, at that altitude, the temperature would not drop as low as 10 degrees (although it may at 1000 m higher).

Also, I wonder what you consider 'autumn' and 'spring' in the countries you mention.
Do you consider that the expressions 'rainy season' and 'dry season' are inappropriate to describe the climatic variations in these countries?

Thanks in advance for any clarification.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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