And not only are we a nation of people from somewhere else-- people from all
over the world are still moving here in record numbers, legally and
illegally, and becoming citizens of the United States.  There must be
something here that is still attractive enough for the rest of the world to
want to leave their homes and come here.

li'l frog

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane DePadro
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 7:25 AM
Subject: [OGD] Comment

Never posted before, but must say this:  ANDY EASTON is one of the more 
intelligent persons on the planet.....generous and loving, witty, 
knowledgeable and full of the joy of life and orchids....His comments on 
others may be harsh sometimes..., but I would wager that he would be 
more likely to help and befriend anyone in need  than those who profess 
to be awash in the 'milk of human kindness'....Lastly, those who hate 
America...hate themselves....America IS the world....everyone here is 
from somewhere else, even those who are 'native' came here recently in 
the grand scheme of things...those murdered in the towers, pentagon and 
planes were from all nations and was a crime against 
humanity and it is outrageous to support the notion that anyone deserved 
to die in that senseless, cruel and cowardly way.  Jane W. DePadro, Fort 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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