Dear Friends,
We were sorry to hear of the passing of Wensdy Whitehead and invite you to
come to a Zoom memorial event arranged by OrigamiUSA:
In Memory of Wensdy Whitehead
Date: November 11, 2023
Time: 4pm - 5pm (EST).  Origami folding follows.
Zoom link:

Wensdy was a beloved member of our community, and a Veteran so it is fitting
that we have her memorial on Veteran's Day, which is also the last day of
World Origami Days. 
A memorial gallery page with her biography, testimonials, photographs, and
resources is viewable at the Origami Museum Tribute to Wensdy Whitehead
Gallery <>  and via OrigamiUSA's
website at the In Memoriam page
<> .
Wensdy's gallery with diagrams and more is at the Origami Museum
<> .
If you would like to speak or have any questions, please contact Lisa B.
Corfman at <> .
Folding Thoughts,
Lisa B. Corfman and Wendy Zeichner

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