Al Jaffee, the creator of Mad Magazine’s “Fold-In” back page.  Entertaining 
read for those of us of a certain age for whom MAD was an integral part of our 

Relevant section from the obituary:

The impact of Mr. Jaffee’s fold-in gimmick was evident in many imitations and 
homages over the years, like Beck’s fold-in-themed video of his song “Girl” in 
2005. Mr. Jaffee said he would often receive requests from high schools that 
wanted to create a fold-in for the school paper, mistakenly thinking they 
needed his permission.

“I write back and say, You have my blessings, go ahead and do it,” he said in 
2008. “But no one can copyright folding a piece of paper.”

Al Jaffee, Inventive Cartoonist at Mad Magazine, Dies at 102

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